Amount lent to sustainable projects
The total amount lent to all projects financed through Goparity, broken down per risk rating and project category.
So far, we have funded 264 projects. From these, 43 have successfully reached their payments plan maturity - all investors have received their entire capital invested and interest.
Breakdown per risk score rating
Goparity does not fund high-risk projects (risk rating below C+)
Breakdown per project category
Funded project breakdown per state
Investor growth
So far, we have funded 264 projects. From these, 43 have successfully reached their payments plan maturity - all investors have received their entire capital invested and interest.
General indicators
General indicators at the end of the year. All values were rounded to the unit (no decimals).
1 The sum of the amount lent to all funded projects during the reference year.
2 The number of all funded projects in the reference date.
3 Average amount lent per project. It is calculated as follows: the amount lent divided by the number of funded projects.
4 Sum of borrowed principal that has already been paid back by the borrowers (promoters) to the lenders (investors).
5 Share of borrowed principal that has already been paid back to the lenders
6 The sum of total gross interest paid by the borrowers (promoters) to the lenders (investors).
7 Average annual interest rate weighted per crowdlending amount of all funded projects.
8 Average loan term weighted per crowdlending amount of all the funded projects. When a loan has been restructured, the term considered here, takes into account its initial term.
Non-cumulative and historic overview, showcasing the amount in default at the end of each year, and at the present month in the current year. All values were rounded to the unit (no decimals).
1 Sum of the capital outstanding of loans with a payment delay of more than 90 days plus bankruptcies.
2 The proportion of capital outstanding of loans with a payment delay of more than 90 days to the total outstanding capital of the platform portfolio.
5 The sum of capital which will probably never be repaid. It is calculated as follows: sum of the capital in arrears for more than 180 days with the remaining due capital from a promoter in collective proceedings or which has been the subject of a forfeiture of the contractual term.
6 The default rate represents the share of capital that will probably never be repaid in relation to the total borrowed capital. It is calculated as follows: defaulted capital divided by amount lent excluding settled projects.